About ACCE
The Climate Education Project (CEP) is a flagship training program to build capacity of young people on climate change education and related issues. It aligns with the four-year action plan under the Glasgow work programme on Action for Climate Empowerment, which was adopted by parties at COP 27 in Egypt. The project focuses on taking immediate action through short-term, clear, and time-bound activities that cover six pillars:
- Climate Education
- Climate Justice
- Agriculture & Food Security
Young people benefitted
Projects Implemented
Hours Of Support
Amazing Volunteers
Thematic Areas
Educating young people is the best weapon to address the climate crisis. Our goal is to accelerate the Mitigation of Climate change from grassroot to Global level,by focusing on these keys areas
Upcoming Events..
The Climate education project is a flagship training programme designed to enhanced the capacity and knowledge of young people in climate change education and related issues. It is in line with the four year action plan under the Glasgow work programme on Action for climate Empowerment, which was adopted by parties at COP 27 in Egypt, Sharm El Sheikh.The program will be conducted using Zoom meetings or Zoom Webiner from 10th April to 30 June with local and international experts as speakers.
10th April 2024
The training Begins
17th May
March past: Time for Climate Action
21st May
Project Lunch
5th June
World Environmental Day


Simpilo Syabwanta
Founder and Executive OfficerBlog
What is COP?
COP is the annual UN meetings that bring together countries (parties) to assess their climate actions and commitment and plan more strategies and solutions to the climate crisis
A Town Affected by Climate Change
COP is the annual UN meetings that bring together countries (parties) to assess their climate actions and commitment and plan more strategies and solutions to the climate crisis
Why 2023 was recorded the highest temperature?
COP is the annual UN meetings that bring together countries (parties) to assess their climate actions and commitment and plan more strategies and solutions to the climate crisis
How could the adaptation fund help weak nations against the climate crisis?
COP is the annual UN meetings that bring together countries (parties) to assess their climate actions and commitment and plan more strategies and solutions to the climate crisis
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the Climate education project about?
The Climate education project is a flagship training programme designed to enhanced the capacity and knowledge of young people in climate change education and related issues.
What is the scope of the project?
The program will take place from 10th April to 30 June with local and international experts as speakers.
How inclusive is the project?
The program will cater for everyone - Priorotizing gender inclusion
How do i volunteer in this project?
You can reach out to us using one of our email below.
How do we apply to be a part of this project?
Application forms will be open soon and we will share it out to everyone to apply.
Our Address
ACCE office address here
Email Us
Call Us
+260 976 357530
+260 979 368035